The Federation is also the mouthpiece of the vegetable growers grouped in cooperatives vis a vis all other stakeholders in the sector. It promotes agricultural interests in food crop production. It arranges for sale and transport of agricultural produce of members.

About Us

The Mauritius Agricultural Marketing Co-operative Federation Ltd (MAMCF) was registered on 1stMarch 1968. The creation of such an agricultural federation was   necessary following the setting up of the Agricultural Marketing Board in 1964 with a view to ensuring regular production and supply of potatoes and onions. The MAMCF established in 1968, currently regroups around 3,500 vegetable growers who are grouped into primary agricultural marketing cooperative societies, and which are scattered over the island.


The Federation is offering a wide range of services to its affiliate members and the planter’s Community such as:
Marketing services for the sale of agricultural produce, Research and vulgarization services for the agricultural production, Consultancy services in agri- business from local and international sources, Supply of agro inputs through importation, Capacity building programmes, Operation of agro Input Supply Store at Belle Mare, Offering services on smart Agriculture, The Federation will explore the international market and will start importing agro inputs at a lower price which will be beneficial to the local farmers.